Found in lower North America and Central and South America
Hear Their Calls
Emerging from a long winter migration comes the ruby Summer Tanager. This species’ adult males are completely strawberry-red, while younger males molt from yellow to patchy red as they mature, and females range in color from a muted yellow to orange. They feed on all kinds of insects as well as sweet summer berries and fruits.
The Summer Tanager’s song sounds a bit like an American Robin’s, but listen closely for its signature “pit-ti-tuck” call. Despite its bright coloring, this bird can be tough to spot because it tends to hang out in treetops, so keep your eyes peeled and be patient.
Fun fact: These birds are fearless—they regularly break into wasps’ nests to feast on the larvae inside. (They’ll also capture wasps and kill them by smashing them into tree branches, then rub them against the tree to remove the stinger—all before eating them.)