Found in North America
Hear Their Calls
The Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher is one shady bird…because it loves to be in the shade. They thrive in the wet forests of Canada, and in soggy bogs. You can find these Flycatchers stoically perched on tree branches looking for nearby prey, then quickly snatching insects out of the air—or their own webs. If you’re arachnophobic, these birds are great to have around: they love to feast on spiders.
These tiny birds have more of an olive overall coloring, with two telltale white stripes on their wings, a pointed beak, and a sunny belly that varies in brightness. They hide their nests in dense, mossy spots near ground level that do a great job of concealing the 3-5 eggs within.
Fun fact: Male Yellow-Bellied Flycatchers defend their territory by staking out a visible perch and singing, alerting any visitors of their claim.